Last Thursday we arrived in Edinburgh, our home for the next 7.7 months (not that I am counting). We were so excited to get here. The city looks like it is from a fairy tale, with castles, cobble stone streets, and mountainous terrain all around. We have been living at a backpackers hostel these past few days. Here we are learning how to brave the cold (as the hostel doesn't like to waste too much gas on frivolous luxeries like heat) and meeting new friends. In our room is Melissa, a new Australian friend, who has been very kind to show us the ropes. We are catching on, learning how public transportation works, how to convert things to metric units, and of course, how to walk in the snow. So many new skill sets.
Andrew has been busy keeping up with work at TNM. Unfortunately there is no heat in our hostel during the days, so he come with me to Heriot-Watt University and works from an upstairs study room (where heat is available). My official first day of work was Monday, and I already love the university. The entire school is connected by corridors and hallways. You would never have to step foot in the cold outside weather if you didn't want to. My boss, Bjarne Holmes, has been wonderful. We are working on a project with mother's and infants' cortisol levels, ultimately trying to determine how they are related to parenting behaviors. Work has been busy. Next Tuesday Bjarne has a big presentation to the Scottish government that we are trying to prepare for. In the midst of recovering from jet lag and trying to stay warm, I am doing my best to be productive.
In the midst of the craziness we have been searching for flats (deposit is down, pray they accept us and let us move in soon!), opening bank accounts (which requires an act of parliament in Scotland), and planning out our next 7.7 months.
We are so excited about what God has in store. Although we can't wait to be a bit more settled (as it will no doubt help us be more disciplined and productive) we are enjoying the adventure that is starting life in a new place. We hope all is well with everyone. We are posting pictures in hopes they entice some of you to come see us (we are getting good at finding cheap flights... let us be your travel agent).
More to come soon,