Tuesday 18 January 2011

Getting Settled

It's been an exciting week here for us starting with moving in to our new flat. Our building was built somewhere around the 1890's so it has plenty of character. We'll post pictures tomorrow of what it looks like. Meanwhile, this last saturday we decided to be tourist and take a self guided walking tour around the Royal Mile, a section of road leading from the Palace of Holyrood (the Queen's official residence while in Scotland) on one end and Edinburgh Castle on the other. In between are great museums, hiking trails with amazing views, and fascinating whisky shops. We were joined by our friend Melissa who was just as eager as us to brave the rain and chilling temperatures to see the sights.

(Palace of Holyrood)

While on the tour we were able to find the grave of the great economists Adam Smith. Of course Erin, being the Phd that she is, kept referring to him as John Adams. I had a hard time understanding why the 2nd President of the United States was buried in Edinburgh Scotland.

(John Adams, err, Adam Smith's grave)

And for you LOST fans, we also found a statue in honor of the great philosopher David Hume.


We finished the night in a cafe called the Elephant House which is where J.K. Rowling began writing the Harry Potter novels. Despite the weather it ended up being a great day and now we have a great walking trail to take people on when they visit. 

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