Saturday 26 February 2011

#5- I am getting to old for dorm style hostels

For the last 8 years or so, I have been an eager enthusiast for dorm style hostel rooms. You can spend as little as 10 dollars to have a nice warm place to sleep at night with 8-14 of your newest acquaintances. What’s not to like? Last weekend, however, as Andrew and I were up in Inverness to see Loch Ness, I started to realize these rooms have their disadvantages. As people straggled in at all hours of the night I found myself thinking, really, must you slam the door. Then there was the person in the bed next to us that made the strangest chirping and groaning sounds (alternating in a rather peculiar sequence). But I think the worst part is I still make Andrew stay with me in the smaller than normal twin size bed.  I enjoy being in close proximity and this was suffocating even for me. As we left the next morning, exhausted from the horrific nights’ sleep created by the combination of factors described above, I looked to Andrew and said “maybe I am too old for dorm-style hostels”.  I don’t think our budgets are quite ready for hotels, but next time we are going to spend the extra five dollars or so to upgrade to a hostel room for 2! I feel like I am growing up J.

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't Loch Ness beautiful? I totally agree with you on the necessity of a GOOD night's sleep these days.. And I meant to comment before but never did about the boots indoors thing. I've lived in Chicago for almost 10 years now and I STILL get caught empty handed sometimes where I forget my indoor pair. Kids here get trained from birth. Moms carry their indoor shoes in hidden pockets inside their coats (I've seen them)..
